The goal of the symposium is to center the Los Seis de Boulder bombings of May 1974, during which 6 Chicanx students and activists affiliated with CU were killed, in academic discourse and to continue to foster engaged dialogue on campus about the legacy of this event. The symposium is co-sponsored by CU Boulder’s University Libraries, American Music Research Center, Center for Humanities & the Arts, Ethnic Studies Department, History Department, School of Education, Latino History Project, and UMAS y MECHA, with additional funding from the University of Colorado President’s Fund for the Humanities.
Maria Cotera keynote address, “The Archival Afterlives of Los Seis de Boulder”
Nicki Gonzales plenary address, “We Will Endure: Our Journey to Understand Los Seis de Boulder”
Session 1A: Teaching and Being Taught by Los Seis de Boulder
Session 1B: El Movimiento and Activism at CU Boulder
Session 2A: Looking for Los Seis in the Archives: Archival Work and the Impact on Memory
Session 2B: Race and Memory in Local Histories: Creating a Podcast Influenced by Los Seis de Boulder
Session 3A: Digital El Diario: Digital Care-Work for the History of El Movimiento
Session 4B: Remembering the First-Generation Chicano Faculty at CU Boulder: A Dramatic Reading
5B: The Chicano Movement at CU Boulder, 1971-1975: The Photography of Juan Espinosa